What we do
Burlescombe Parish Council exists to represent and serve the residents of the parish. We do this in a variety of ways, managing some local amenities, as well as liaising with other local organisations to ensure our community's needs are heard and understood.
The main ways we serve our community are:
- Representation: Actively voicing the concerns and interests of Burlescombe residents.
- Essential services: Providing and maintaining community facilities such as Westleigh play park and the Old Railway Line.
- Community development: Supporting initiatives that enhance our parish.
- Planning and development control: Reviewing planning applications in consideration of the community’s needs and character.
- Financial responsibility: Efficient allocation of resources for the benefit of the community.
- Collaboration: Partnering with local authorities to address challenges and issues affecting Burlescombe Parish.
- Community engagement: Encouraging resident participation and feedback in council activities.
We can only make decisions at Council Meetings, so attending these or looking at the agendas and minutes are some of the best ways to understand our activities.
But we also use the news on this site, on our Facebook page and in the parish magazine to share key updates.
Responsibilities of different councils
Parish Councils like Burlescombe Parish Council are responsible for:
- Local assets such as allotments, bus shelters, noticeboards, war memorials.
- Recreational spaces including some play parks and open spaces.
- Local planning, consulting on local planning applications.
- Setting the precept – the part of Council Tax that funds the Parish Council.
- Monitoring footpaths and bridleways (in liaison with district councils).
- Grass cutting and verge maintenance.
- Liaising with other public bodies for the good of the community.
- Grants for local organisations such as churches, community centres and village halls.
- Street lighting in some areas.
District Councils like Mid Devon District Council are responsible for:
- Planning including applications and consultations.
- Waste including recycling and refuse collections, as well as street cleaning, dog-bins, litter & fly-tipping.
- Environmental Health, including noise complaints.
- Food Hygiene & Safety including inspection and enforcement.
- Licensing including alcohol and entertainment.
- Housing including Social Housing, Council Tax & Housing benefit.
- District emergency planning.
- Parking and enforcement in MDDC car parks.
- Leisure including swimming pools, gyms.
- Elections including registration and managing polls.
- Standards including managing complaints about town and parish councillors.
Find out more on the MDDC website.
County Councils like Devon County Council are responsible for:
- Education including school admissions, free school meals, and school transport.
- Social care including adult social care and children’s services.
- Transport and roads including highways and potholes.
- Waste specifically recycling centres and waste disposal.
- Public Rights of Way management.
- Libraries including local archives.
- Minerals and Waste Plans for most of Devon.
- Emergency planning through the Devon Emergency Planning Partnership.
- Trading Standards including working with agricultural businesses.
- Health and wellbeing in partnership with other organisations.
Find out more on the DCC website.