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Local facilities and services

Local facilities and services

Burlescombe & Westleigh Community Hall

Village hall with function rooms, kitchen and parking available for hire.

Westleigh URC Hall

Small village hall with kitchen, available for hire.


Information and maps about defibrillators in the area.

Burlescombe, Westleigh and Holcombe Rogus Facebook group

A good source of local information for those on Facebook.

Grand Western Canal

The Grand Western Canal Country Park and Local Nature Reserve runs from Tiverton to the hamlet of Lowdwells (near the Somerset border). Just over 11 miles long, it is an important part of our parish’s character.

Bus to Tiverton

Weekly service from Burlescombe and Westleigh.

Devon & Cornwall Police

Nearest Police Station: Tiverton, Lowman House, Lowman Green, Tiverton, Devon, EX16 4LA.

Mid Devon District Council

Services and information in relation to planning, fly-tipping, waste & recycling, and more.

Devon County Council

County Council services including recycling centres, libraries, highways (including reporting potholes), public rights of way.

Tiverton library

Access to books, computers, events and information.

Cullompton Library

Access to books, computers, events and information.

Medical help

If you need medical attention but it's not a life-threatening situation, call 111 or get help from 111 online. In an emergency call 999. Find out more about local NHS services.

Historic England

Search for historic buildings and sites.

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